Exporting WebXR

SearXR can export a scene to either:
The parity between WebXR and exported HTML is not perfect, but we're definately getting there!

Using these formats, SearXR searches can easily be shared in multiple WebXR ways:

How to use the HTML export?

Simply by embedding.
For example using an iframe.
Positioning can be changed afterwards with few adjustments (perspective CSS-var).
Right now the export is HTML/CSS-only for privacy reasons.
Maybe in the future, optional wrappers like simple navigation and autoscaling could be added.

How to load the 360 png?

360 images are widely supported by Web(XR) websites and VR headsets:

How to share an URL?

Simple, just copy-paste the url!
NOTE: Only the searchresults will be saved into the url.
In-app navigation will not be recorded due to privacy reasons (cross-origin tracking).